What are Your Reflections and Intentions?

Over the years I’ve found that it really useful to take some time out to reflect on the previous few months and set intentions for the coming ones.
It’s something I do with my clients every three months or so because we’ve found that 90 day goals are more manageable and achievable.
At year’s end though we reflect on the previous 12 months and set some bigger intentions for the year ahead.
Here are some questions that can help with the process. You can use them with a personal focus or a business one or both!
You may find you want to journal about these by yourself in peace and quiet and/or you can explore them with family, friends or your team over a Zoom call.
Your Reflections on 2020
Notice what comes up for you as you consider the questions and think back over the previous 12 months.
Note down any feelings, thoughts, insights and learnings.
- What were the biggest challenges you faced?
- What were your biggest learnings as a result?
- How did you grow personally and in your business?
- How did your perspective change?
- What do you want to remember?
- What do you want to celebrate?
Take some time to congratulate yourself on how you’ve coped in what has been a very challenging year.
Then begin to look forward…….
Your Intentions for 2021
As you think about the possibilities of the year to come, let go of any attachment to the things you have no control over.
Again notice any feelings and insights that come up for you as you consider the questions below.
- What do you want to change in 2021?
- How do you want to grow and what qualities do you want to develop?
- What do you want to let go of?
- What do you want more of in your life?
- How will you nourish and care for yourself in the year ahead?
- What do you commit to doing?
Then consider and commit to taking the first steps to making it happen.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year!
Kind regards,
Cath Daley
P.S. If you want help with setting your intentions in a powerful way and creating a Momentum Plan to making them happen quickly and easily then why not book one of the small number of free Creating Momentum Coaching Conversations I am running in Jan?
Click here to reserve your’s now.