How Do You Choose the Right Coach for You?

As a Leadership Coach who has been coaching for over 19 years I often get asked the question “ how do I choose a coach?”
Coaching can be a very powerful and transformational experience if you find the right coach for you.
And it can be ineffectual and unpleasant if you don’t!
When searching for a coach how do you choose in a market that is saturated , where anyone and everyone is calling themselves a coach these days?
Here are 5 steps to choosing the right coach for you.
Step 1: Decide on your reason for wanting to work with a coach.
What problems and issues do you want help with?
Step 2: Be clear about the type of coach you want to work with
Are you looking for a leadership coach, a relationship coach, a business coach, a weight loss coach, a wealth coach, a social media coach etc?
Step 2: Do your research
Ask your friends, colleagues and others you trust for recommendations.
Use LinkedIn, Google, Facebook
Step 3: Identify potentials
When you have identified several potential coaches for you then find out about their coaching training, qualifications and experience of working with people like you who have issues like yours.
Look at their testimonials and LinkedIn recommendations
If you know someone who has given them a testimonial contact them to have a chat about their experience of working with the coach concerned.
Step 4: Arrange to have a chat with your potential coach
Request a chat so that you can ask questions and get to know them.
Find out the sort of programmes they run and for how long, what sorts of coaching tools they use and what experience they have in working with issues like yours. What is their track record?
I offer a number of free Transformational 1-2-1 Coaching Conversations every month for people to get a feel for what it is like to work with me. They bring an issue and I share a relevant tool to help them move forward. If they want to continue to work together that’s great, and if they choose not to that’s fine too. They will have had a valuable experience of coaching.
I get a sense of what they are looking for and whether or not we are a good fit for each other. If I feel I can’t help i refer them on to someone who can.
Step 5: Go with your gut instinct
When you have completed the previous steps then I believe you should go with your intuition. Listen to your gut instinct because the relationship with your coach is a very personal one and if you are getting a good feeling after chatting with them then chances are they will be a good coach for you.
Working with the right coach for you should be a transformational experience and it is a considerable investment in both time and money so it’s worth taking time to get it right.
Until next time,
with best wishes for your success,
Cath Daley Ltd.
P.S. If you want to find out more and have a free 90 min Transformational Coaching Conversation with me click here to reserve one now.