Lead Like a Woman

Simple tools and techniques to take you from surviving to thriving and live an energized, fulfilled and more joyful life.

If you are a woman in business and you …
  • sometimes feel drained and overwhelmed because you have so much to do and not enough time to get it all done …
  • ever lack confidence, have a strong Inner Critic, or suffer from self-doubt or “Impostor Syndrome” thinking that it’s just a matter of time before someone finds you out …
  • feel unfulfilled in your career or business but are not sure what is the next step to take …
then this programme is tailor made for you.

It’s exciting, fast-paced and challenging being a woman leader and it can be a lonely place too. With all of the issues you have to face on a daily basis it can feel that you’re on a roller coaster that’s going faster and faster and you can’t get off. Some days it seems like you are just surviving.

And I know exactly what that’s like. I was on that same roller coaster for over 30 years. Working long hours, not seeing the results I wanted. I wasn’t sleeping properly, never seemed to have time for my family, let alone myself. Questioning my own ability, not asking for help because I didn’t want people to think I couldn’t cope … I was Superwoman on steroids! With a strong Inner Critic, Perfectionist and People Pleaser I thought that nothing I did was ever good enough.  I I thought I was coping with the stress and overwhelm …

So it came as quite a shock when several years ago I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. I didn’t have any of the usual trigger factors – only 30 years of stress.

And I’m not alone. Women are 60% more likely than men to suffer the negative effects of stress in the workplace and more women than ever before are suffering from coronary heart disease, adrenal fatigue and burn out caused by overwhelm and stress.

That is Superwoman’s legacy for me and I don’t want other women to reach my age and for the same thing to happen to them because it doesn’t need to be like that.

And that’s where the Lead Like a Woman Coaching Programme comes in …

I’ve designed the programme to help you quickly get out of survival mode. Through a unique combination of Master Level Coaching, Training and Mentoring you learn to deal with all of the problems and challenges you face on a day to day basis with ease and grace and without the stress so that you live a happier, more fulfilled and joyful life.

You go from surviving to thriving both personally and in your business.

It offers a radical and transformational approach to leadership development for women that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s about helping you to retire Superwoman and embrace a new way of leading that harnesses your natural strengths, talents and abilities as a woman.

You become more effective than ever before without burning out or melting down. It turns everything you’ve ever learned about productivity and goal setting on its head.

You learn to make friends with your Inner Critic, Pleaser and Perfectionist and deal with Impostor Syndrome in a way that empowers, rather than depletes, you.

You choose the area you want to focus on to create a major shift and transformation. In The Lead Like a Woman Coaching Programme we work together to craft a new sense of yourself, your potential and your value so that you go beyond what you think is possible.

“I can honestly say that this is the most life-changing and life-enhancing programme I have ever done.”

Stella Horrocks

Disposals and Retrofit Manager, Deutschebahn

Who’s it for?

The Lead Like a Woman Coaching Programme is designed specifically for women – CEOs, Directors, Senior Execs. and Business Owners – who are fed up surviving and are ready to thrive.

It’s for women who are keen to find a different and easier way to do things and who are willing to invest in themselves.

If you are serious about getting off that roller coaster, getting rid of the overwhelm and stress, and want to learn how to make friends with your Inner Critic, People Pleaser and Perfectionist so that you can realize your untapped potential and lead a more joyful and energized life then this is for you.

We start with your PrinciplesYou Profile to help us gain a deeper understanding about how you think, how you engage with others and how you get motivated.

And then we work together on one of 3 levels depending on the level of transformation you want to achieve.

Level 1: From Surviving to Thriving

This is a fully customised 1-2-1 programme to get you out of the survival thinking that is keeping you stuck.

Through a unique combination of Master Level Coaching,Training and Mentoring designed specifically for you, you learn how to utilise a wide range of powerful tools and techniques to reduce your stress and get you out of overwhelm as well as experiencing powerful transformational coaching to thrive in the area of life you choose to work on.

VIP Breakthrough Days are available if you want to explore a particular issue and get quick transformation.

Group and Team versions of the Level 1 Programme are available on request.

Level 2: Diving into Deeper Conversations

In this programme we focus on longer term goals and in addition to the tools and techniques from Level 1,  you get access to more advanced tools and deeper Master Level Transformational Coaching to eliminate whatever is holding you back so you become the outstanding leader you know you can be.

If Level 1 or Level 2 is what you’ve been looking for, if it resonates with you in any way or you just want to find out more then book a free Transformational Coaching Conversation with me because the best way to learn about the Lead Like a Woman unique approach is to experience it and be coached by me!

You bring a current challenge to the call and I’ll to help you move powerfully forward and get immediate value.

And for those who want to go deeper and have a sense of adventure there is….

Level 3: The Coaching Adventure ….

This is a 12 month intensive personal coaching programme that is guaranteed to take you where you have never been before.

It is a Coaching Adventure that we embark on together.

We  focus on who you are, at a deep level, rather than what you do, to help you create the beautiful life you truly want to live.

This is a high level transformational coaching programme and I get very, very excited about it because I know it is an extraordinary year of adventure and exploration..

  • If you have been looking for something different that will change your life .
  • If you have a sense of adventure
  • If you want to co-create extraordinary transformation then this is for you!

There is only a small number of places available every year.

Click here to have a chat with me about it.

“The Lead Like a Woman programme is brilliant. Cath helped me to improve my leadership skills and develop strategies to get rid of overwhelm. Thanks to Cath I understand myself and the way I interact with others much better. Cath is very professional and warm at the same time, which makes it easy to work with her.”

Maria Castro Blanquez

Managing Director, Linguland

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