Presentation or Golf Final – Why Communication is the Key

I stayed up late on Sunday night, way past my ususal bedtime but I couldn’t go to bed without finding out who’d won!!!
That’s right I stayed up to see Charl Schwartzel take the 75th Masters Golf Tournament at Augusta. Fantastic to watch. Four birdies on the last four holes- was he in the zone or what? He was so calm and confident and focussed and everything was going just right for him.
and then there was Rory M’Ilroy….. who somehow lost it dropping six shots over three holes. He lost the composure and focus that had enabled him to lead in the previous three rounds. He definitely wasn’t “in the zone”.
What do you think was the self-talk that was going on for each of them? What was their internal communication like?
In the Winning Business Presentations Mini-course I talk about the importance of your internal state to the results that you achieve.
And your internal state is made up of your emotional state together with your physiological state and the two together determine your behaviours which in turn determine your results.
Who do you think was in the better internal state Schwartzel or M’Ilroy…..?
I’m sure we’ve all had those situations in the past where we just are our own worst enemy- where we talk to ourselves in a way that we just wouldn’t take from anyone else. You could just see the same sort of thing happening for Rory M’Ilroy on the last day and I see it all the time when people are doing business presentations or going into important meetings with clients…. ” I hope I don’t mess up”, ” I made a hash of it last time”, ” I’m useless at this…” and so on and so on…..
Performance, whether in sport or in a business context, comes down to how you manage your self talk and your internal state and if you want to be really successful you have to learn how to develop the flexibility to change it whenever you need to, so that when the going gets tough you have the resilience and resourcefulness to be able to deal with it in a positive way to get the results you want.
And that involves learning a variety of different tools and techniques that you can use when the need arises.
And that’s what Winning Business Presentations is all about. It’s about develping the flexibility of communication, both internal (self talk) and external (what you communicate to others) that will enable you to be successful whatever the circumstances.
So that you can learn to be ” in the zone” whenever you want to be……. just like Charl Schwartzel.
Until next time,
with best wishes for your success,
p.s. If you want to find out more about the approach and how it can help you then you can get the Winning Business Presentations Mini-course free by entering your details in the sign up box on the right.