The 6 Danger Signs that You’re Heading for Overwhelm
As a woman in business….
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all that you have to do?
And everything seems too much?
That you’re drowning in “stuff”?
That you’re exhausted trying to do everything in the time you have and not managing it?
I have been coaching now for many years and help my clients with all sorts of issues but what I have noticed recently, particularly for my female clients, is that more and more of them are coming to me feeling completely overwhelmed. They have so much to do and not enough time to do it. Everything is getting on top of them and they are feeling tired all the time. They feel like giving up but know they can’t, they have to keep all the plates spinning but it is really taking it out of them.
Maybe this is sounds familiar?
More than ever before women are feeling overwhelm. And it is having significant effect on their health leading to an increase in the numbers of women suffering from adrenal fatigue, coronary heart disease and burn-out.
So how can you stop it happening?
The first step is……
being aware of the 6 danger signs that show you are heading for overwhelm.
- You find it hard to switch off – you’ve finished at work for the day and you’re on your way home but you can’t resist looking at your emails for one last time just in case…. or the children are having their dinner and you go onto LinkedIn to see if anyone has contacted you or read your post, or you settle down to watch tv but you just check one more time……
- You find it very difficult to find time just for you or your partner – there is always something more that needs to be done- for your business, for work, for the children, around the house. You never get time for yourself to have a nice long soak in the bath and as for going out with your partner, just the two of you to spend some quality time together. It doesn’t happen.
- You’re not sleeping well – you go to bed but wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep because there’s so much going through your head and even if you do get back to sleep when you wake up you don’t feel rested. You feel tired all the time but what can you do!
- You’re narky and touchy– you snap at the children/your partner/your colleagues for no particular reason. People seem to criticize you all the time and you feel angry because you’re doing your best. It’s alright for them they don’t have to put up with what you have to deal with. It’s not your fault the world’s against you.
- You’re highly self-critical- you know you should be doing better and that you’re a bad mum/wife/partner/boss. You hate the way you look. You’re too fat/thin/old/wrinkly/ stupid. You’re not thin enough/intelligent enough/successful enough. You should be managing your time better but can’t…… the list goes on of what you say to yourself and you don’t give yourself a break.
- You feel under the weather – you always seem to have a cold or a cough or just generally feel grotty a lot of the time. You don’t seem to have the energy to do anything else.
How many of these are you experiencing on a regular basis? because if you continue in this way you are heading for overwhelm.
The next step …..
is to start to change one of them.
Which of the danger signs is the biggest problem for you?
What could you do to change it? e.g. switch off all screens an hour before you go to bed. Don’t check your emails on the way home, read a book or listen to the radio instead. Make time for a long hot bath once a week. Switch the tv off and talk with your partner……
Start with doing one thing this week and another next and you’ll be surprised at what a difference it will make!
Until next time,
P.S. If you are showing the dangers signs and are already in overwhelm and want help to shift yourself out of it (because it can be difficlt to do by yourself) then why not book one of the free 1-2-1 Overwhelm Rescue Plan Sessions I run every month?
I’ll take you step by step through the Overwhelm Rescue Plan and you’ll leave the session energised with steps to take to prevent it happening again.
Click here to reserve yours now.